Teh Cell

CRank: 5Score: 3640

It's sad when the best game on PSN is a ps1 game.

5837d ago 3 agree15 disagreeView comment

"Is Wipeout HD better than anything on XBLIVE?"

No. Play ps1 wipeout on your pc in an emulator at a higher rez, and there you go. Same thing. Not worth $2, let alone $20.

5837d ago 3 agree8 disagreeView comment

You know what's funny? When XBL is offline, everyone writes articles and counsels people on what to do in the meantime because it's so good and addictive. If PSN went offline, even for a month, nobody would notice. "Huh? What's PSEN and why should I care?"

5837d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

WOW, a whole 6 pages? Holy crap!!! How do they do that? Must be teh Cell and teh RSX working overtime. Well, enjoy your browser. We'll just enjoy actual games...

5837d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

Can I get an AMEN? I can't believe they released that featherweight rumble-less, trigger-less piece of garbage called the PS3 Controller. It would be more comfortable playing with a Jaguar 64 pad.

5837d ago 4 agree11 disagreeView comment

Another example of Sony not being able to handle...well...anything. If they can't keep a website up, how did they ever manage to design and produce such a sophisticated and well-made electronic device like a PS3? Oh wait...never mind. The hardware faults and glitches pretty much answer that question.

On a side not, I find it hilarious how many people are ready to express their inner homosexuality when the full LittleBigFlop comes out. I bet the penis level will be the #1 download...

5837d ago 2 agree7 disagreeView comment

Even the Japanese are sick of Phony's lies and their awful and gimped BS3 system. Why would they buy it when there's nothing to play?

Jump in!

5837d ago 3 agree5 disagreeView comment

"why is everyone dissing the ps3 browser, im always on it i have no troubles its great, i go on that more than games, and i have a computer."

HAHAHA, that just says everything. BS3 games are so boring that people are running to their web browsers to kill the time.

Enjoy your glorified web browser / movie player, dorks!!!

5837d ago 6 agree4 disagreeView comment

I honestly don't know how Phony ever expected to run an operating system, albeit a gimped one, an XMB, and a web browser all on the BS3's whole 256 megs of ram. Never mind the games...

5837d ago 7 agree3 disagreeView comment

The BS3 browser is an interesting feature. Worthless, yet needed because of a lack of games. Kinda like everything else on the console, and I use the term "console" loosely here. More like "George Forman grill with a tv connection and no fat drip tray". This pretty much explains all the rabid BS3 fanboys ever present on this site. Staring at an empty XMB can get lonely sometimes...I guess I don't really blame them.

5837d ago 2 agree8 disagreeView comment

Of COURSE the PS3 has a browser. This is the same reason why it has a blue-ray player. You have to do SOMETHING while you're waiting for games that never materialize.

5837d ago 7 agree5 disagreeView comment

I hear the BS3 version will have an extra perk called "TheFlop". You can use it from the start, and it will symbolize the pathetic sales of the COD series on the gimped BS3 hardware. Nobody is really sure what it does though, and we may never learn, unless someone actually buys a BS3 copy and manages to find another player on BSN, although I wouldn't bet on it.

The world may never know.

5837d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sorry, a slightly different character skin won't save this game from being the disappointment of the century. Phony should just be honest with gamers and name this game KillFlop. Maybe then they would score a few pity sales.

5837d ago 2 agree8 disagreeView comment

LOL. Bubbles for you for making me laugh out loud, pp.

5837d ago 2 agree8 disagreeView comment


Because you're fat, b]tch! That has to be true, because only the fat/ugly girl gamers would come on here and troll for attention 24/7. The skinny/pretty ones would be receiving far more attention in real life from guys and friends to even bother with a hardcore gaming site.

See? My logic is undeniable.

But hey, I'll tell you what. You post a picture of yourself, and we'll let up i...

5837d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

I smell four more firmware updates soon! The first three to fix one problem each, and the last to unbrick the system after the first three updates!!!

5837d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

SOCOM - last gen looking glitchy mess that even socom fans don't like

WipeOut - a ps1 game with shinier objects, barely running at 1080p half the time, upscaled the other half

Little Big Planet - kiddie sack ball game for running left and right for no reason and for expressive your homosexuality with penises

Resistance 2 - 99% sure to follow in the footsteps of its flopped predecessor, hyped by altered "in-game" shots

Metal Gear So...

5837d ago 7 agree3 disagreeView comment

Nah, you're right, that's an absurd comparison. The BS3 is far too weak to even pull off comparable graphics. My mistake.

5837d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

High Definition? How do you BS3 owners even know what that means, if all you get is an A/V cable in a BS3 box?

5837d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Aww, look at all these closet homosexuals defending the homo kiddie game. WE LOVE SACKZ, WE WILL DEFEND THEM IN UNISON!!!!! Hahahaha, sorry did I hit a nerve there? All you guys can say is "rrod rrod rrod", except that problem takes only a few days to fix, while your sack game can't be fixed, unless they make a patch for it so that it transforms into Halo or Gears of War. Even the beta users are so bored that they have resorted to making Halo and Mario levels, not to mention penises...

5837d ago 1 agree7 disagreeView comment